Water/Wastewater Treatment Plants and Pumping Stations
S&A is one the leaders in the field, having worked on over 550 projects for Treatment Plants and Pumping Stations just in the past 5 years. S&A understands the unique challenges and cautions needed when planning electrical systems for a water facility, the ins and out of various treatment processes, reliability of power, integration with existing equipments and more.

A sampling of our work in this area includes:
Seneca Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade and Expansion
Design of 69 kV/13.8 kV Substation, 13.8 kV Switchgear, Unit Substation, and Underground 15 kV Distribution Systems. Post Design and Construction Inspection Services were also performed.
Piscataway Wastewater Treatment Plant
HVAC Modifications of the Chemical Laboratory
Back River Wastewater Treatment Plant
Study and design of power factor correction capacitors at 34.5Kv
Composting Aeration Improvements Demonstration Project – Philadelphia Bio-Solids Recycling Center
Study and Design Electrical Service to butterfly valves
Potomac River Water Filtration Plant – Solids Handling Building
Design of 480 Volt electrical facilities including 5 MCCs, panelboards, unit substation, and exterior and interior lighting; fire alarm system, and communications system. Also, post design services.
Potomac River Water Filtration Plant – Chemical Upgrade
Design of Electrical Facilities including MCC, Switchboards, Feeders, Panels and Lighting in Chlorinated Areas. Also, Post Design and Construction Inspection Services.
Glen Road Waste Water Pumping Station
Electrical Investigations of Underground Cable Systems, Panels, MCC and Switchboards.
Grit Chamber Buildings #1 and 2 and GSLS Buildings #1 and 2
Study and design of electrical facilities including four back to back MCCs, 2 unit substations, panelboards, exterior lighting, 5kV underground cables, and manholes.
Potomac WFP Reliability / Water Quality Study
Evaluate adequacy and reliability of the electrical system at the Potomac WFP to provide operation of 285 MGD facility. The limitations were identified into three priority levels. Replacement of 5 kV switchgear, Unit substation, and MCCS were recommended.
Broad Creek Pumping Station
Study and Design of Second Electrical Feed including Transformers and Switchgear.
East Side Pumping Station – Blue Plains
Study and design of spot network for the new pumping station including 15kV underground distribution. Also, provided electrical modifications required to provide safe and reliable power to the existing pumping station for NEC Class I, Div. 2 areas.
Study and 30% design of Renovation to Deer Creek Pumping Station
Study and 30% design of the replacement of the existing 33kV in addition, 4.16kV outdoor substation to include second 33 kV feeder from the Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. (BGE), 33 kV, 200 A 1500 MVA duty power circuit breakers, and 4.16 kV, 2000A switchgear.
Potomac WFP – Filter Design
Study and design of electrical feeders to provide power to 64 motor operated butterfly valves for East and West galleries at the Potomac WFP.
Reliability of Electrical Power Systems for WSSC
Evaluation of the vulnerability of the existing electrical power systems at Potomac WFP, Patuxant WFP, Wheaton Pumping Station, Neelsville PS, Cedar Heights PS, and Rock Gorge Filtration Plant. Recommendations and associated costs to improve security of the electrical distribution system were given.
Additional WWTP Projects:
- Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant – Howard County
- Composting Aeration Improvements Project – WSSC
- Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Facility, Grit Removal System, Washington, D.C.
- East Side Pumping Station Rehabilitation, Washington, DC
- Blue Plains Advanced WWTP, Egg-Shaped Digesters Facility, Washington, DC
- Electrical Engineering Services – BOA – WSSC Laurel, MD
- Western Branch WWTP – WSSC