Energy Planning Studies
S&A has experience in all aspects of energy planning, including load demand studies, resource analysis, stability analysis, monitoring and metering and integrating alternative resources. Our expertise ranges from analysis, research and studies to providing cost-benefit analyses and detailed implementation plans.

A few projects are listed below:
Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR
Power system planning studies for EGAT, Thailand for transmitting 1000 MW from Mae Moh to Minburi.
Glover Energy Systems, Chicago, IL
Electrical load demand and resource analysis.
Gunnison County, Denver, CO
Electrical load demand and resource analysis, and development of transmission alternates for 200 mile long 345kV transmission line.
San Bernard Electric Co-operative, Belleville, TX
Load control feasibility and specifications of control/communications equipment.
Central Area Data Processing Center, St. Louis, MO
26 load management and cost-benefit studies for non-generating utilities in the USA.
Department of Natural Resources, State of Montana, Butte, MT
Load demand and generation resource analysis for Coalstrip Units #1 and #2.
City of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
Power factor improvement study to reduce electric utility charges at the Back River Waste Water Treatment Plant.
Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield, MI
Review of transmission facilities for installation of 115kV Substation.
Potomac Electric Power Company, Washington, DC
Load flow and stability analysis of Mt. Airy to Brighton 500kV transmission line